
R&D Tax Credit

What is the R&D Tax Credit?

The Research and Development Tax Credit is a tax incentive for companies sponsored by the U.S government. The purpose is to foster innovation in the economy through rewards and to keep technical jobs within the U.S.

This is an ideal opportunity for any business to reduce their tax-liability. Companies can apply and qualify for federal and state tax and grow their operations. Due to expansions and modifications over the years that have simplified credit, a wide range of industries can now benefit from this blue-chip tax-saving incentive.

How Companies Can Benefit From R&D Tax Credits:

  • Gives companies an immediate source of cash
  • Reduces current and future tax liability 
  • Tax-payer friendly laws
  • Credits can carry forward up to 20 years

More than 14000 companies in the U.S avail R&D Tax Credits every year with more than $7.5 billion given out annually. This is an advantage for businesses of all sizes who need cash back and reduced tax liability. 

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